To date we have sterilised in excess of 650 cats and dogs from disadvantaged communities in and around Great Brak River. We rely totally on the voluntary help of Doctors and animal lovers to achieve this goal. We are wonderfully supported in our efforts by the Garden Route SPCA. Donations are always needed and appreciated. Please help us help our community.
CAWS 4 PAWS 2016 Calendar has arrived and is ready for you.
We have managed to reduce the price to an affordable R70 for this high quality Calendar. Cat lovers are treated to 12 beautiful pictures with space to make notes for each day, and if you are a dog lover, simply flip the calendar over to reveal a wonderful selection of Doggie pics.
Please contact us now to place your order
or 044 620 2826
If you are willing to accept a few calendars on consignment to sell on our behalf, please we need your help now.
CAWS 4 PAWS is proud to be part of the GREAT BRAK RIVER community in South Africa.
Our main objective is to provide a service to the community by alleviating the suffering of unwanted and often neglected cats and dogs. The organisation’s secondary objectives are to work in conjunction with established organisations such as the SPCA and any other organisation with similar objectives.
By providing a free sterilization service we aim to prevent the birth of thousands of animals that would roam the streets in search of food, comfort and loving care.
CAWS 4 PAWS is a Community based initiative originally inspired and supported by Croft Animal Hospital, situated in Great Brak River – South Africa.