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Lang Straat (044) 620 3361 / 10111

The Youth Cafe serves as a door keeper for Youth (between the ages of 15 – 34 years), not in education, not in training and not employed to access opportunities through skills development, personal development which enhances positive social…

044 620 3338 & Fax 086 607 7592

Visit us on Facebook Were there slaves in Great Brak? Come and see the Slavery Exhibition now on at the Museum.   (more…)

Jonathan : 076 601 8731

NAME & SYMBOL KYOUSEI (kyoh-say)=  SYMBIOSIS  =  共生 Symbiosis=Peaceful co-existence, Cooperation, Interdependence, Relationship, Association, Synergy, Interaction or as we say in SA Ubuntu. This interdependence is well represented by the Yin…

  “GIVE LOVE, NOT MONEY” LAURINDA SMIT Na aanleiding van ’n artikel “Should I give or not?” deur Jonathan Gelderbloem, Youth for Christ Kidstop in die Oktober-uitgawe van The Post, is die “Give love, not money”-inisiatief in November2021 in…