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The Youth Cafe serves as a door keeper for Youth (between the ages of 15 – 34 years), not in education, not in training and not employed to access opportunities through skills development, personal development which enhances positive social…

Jonathan : 076 601 8731

NAME & SYMBOL KYOUSEI (kyoh-say)=  SYMBIOSIS  =  共生 Symbiosis=Peaceful co-existence, Cooperation, Interdependence, Relationship, Association, Synergy, Interaction or as we say in SA Ubuntu. This interdependence is well represented by the Yin…

  “GIVE LOVE, NOT MONEY” LAURINDA SMIT Na aanleiding van ’n artikel “Should I give or not?” deur Jonathan Gelderbloem, Youth for Christ Kidstop in die Oktober-uitgawe van The Post, is die “Give love, not money”-inisiatief in November2021 in…

Tuisonderwys Hulpbronne Ontsluit die sleutels tot akademiese sukses met ons omvattende opvoedkundige hulpbronne! Ons verskaf ‘n wye reeks formele assesserings, opsommings wat komplekse konsepte vereenvoudig en Klaskamerdekor om ‘n…